Athletic forms

EA athletes and their parents should read and understand the EA guidelines. EA Athlete Guidelines August 2022

If you are a NEW EA Athlete, please complete the following forms:

EA Athlete Form Checklist

EA Athlete Information Form

EA Athlete Parent Agreement Form

EA Athlete Testimony

EA Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation Form

EA Athlete Liability Waiver Form

ACSC Concussion Policy

ACSC Liability Waiver Form

Disciplinary Summary Form for Transferring Students   (ONLY for transferring students)

Please submit these forms, a copy of your Birth Certificate, a copy of your insurance card (front & back), your latest grade report, and your fees to the EA Office.

For RETURNING EA Athletes, these forms must be renewed each school year:

EA Returning Athlete Form Checklist

EA Athlete Information Form

EA Athlete Parent Agreement Form

EA Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation Form

ACSC Concussion Policy

ACSC Liability Waiver Form

Please submit these forms, your latest grade report, and your fees to the EA Office.

Please note that these forms are valid for each school year regardless of which sport(s) you play. If you play more than one sport per school year, you will only need to send your latest grade report and fees to the EA Office.

For Athletic Association Families:

Athletics Association Application


Ezekiel Academy 2024 Ad Forms.pdf.docx